It turned out to be really not fun to run into someone blocking an intersection or bumping your trailer and damaging your fragile cargo because they didn't notice you changing lanes. As noted in a later section, post-1.9 traffic AI is much smarter than most IRL motorists.

This is in order to allow speeding with fragile cargo if you feel like it. You can truck ski around at 160 km/h and it won't damage as long as you don't hit anything with the trailer. Fragile cargo can only be damaged by direct bumps against the trailer - the only difference it has with normal cargo is that fragile cargo takes multiple times the damage.If you're not into perfect simulation, control of the trucks can be simplified so that changing gears is optional.Many, but most notable is the incredibly condensed passage of time and size of Europe, a design decision likely made because most of the map is created by hand and a 1:1 scale would take the small team years to do.Unlike most other "simulation" games, you can pause, save, and quit the game anytime and resume the game anytime, with actual non-stop driving (except stopping in rest areas) as a Self-Imposed Challenge instead.Acceptable Breaks from Reality: One of the main reasons why this game became successful despite being so incredibly niche was precisely because Euro Truck Simulator is not afraid of sacrificing realism in the name of fun.Anti Poop-Socking: The driver fatigue mechanic, which forces the player to park the truck about every 45 minutes, is also meant to periodically break your focus in order to encourage you to take a break.Euro Truck Simulator and its sequels provide examples of: